Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Valentines Oddity - Callous Greetings mean cards for all occasions

Valentines day is a funny time of year. It is much like Christmas and Easter, starting with a religious base and yet morphing into something completely different. It’s also an amusing time of year because people really have only 2 view points on Valentines. Either you love it, or you hate it.

Personally I hate it so you may see some extra venom in the mean cards around Valentines day. We’ve gone as far as to rename it Spiderman Day around here, just cause.

It’s obvious and easy to see why people love Valentines. It’s a time of love, a reminder of the relationship two people share. They pick out a cute card, a box of chocolates and attempt to be more romantic than they are the other 364(5) days of the year. Women tend to be extremely nostalgic and sentimental around this time, and men tend to do whatever they can to have sex, even if it means adding diamonds to the cards and chocolates.

But what about the people who hate Valentines. Those are the people I’m interested in. What would drive someone to break up with their significant other on the most romantic holiday of the year? Why would someone pick the peak of the heart to choose to end a relationship but for the simple impact that it has on the other person.

So this means that people are intentionally ending relationships on Valentines Day simply because it is more of an insult than any other day of the year you could do it. There’s no other reason to select that day. In fact it’s the day people are most likely to be hiding their relationship problems.

I think that it is a very interesting statement about the human condition to acknowledge that people choose to break up on Valentines simply to hurt the other people more. Means there are quite a few couples who aren’t just not happy, but who have a serious dislike or hatred for the other person. The line “He was happily married for years, but his wife wasn’t” seems to be appropriate here.

That’s why we went for a Valentines launch. Mean cards, especially the relationship variety are a needed commodity around this time of year.

If you like mean valentines humor have someone you’re planning to break up with, check out Cupids’ Folly, Candy and Roses are Red for a good chuckle


Kryss Out

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